Energy Resource Group
Bringing complex ideas directly to you
in manageable components

Current Trends and Ideas in

Energy Savings Ideas

This site is dedicated to analyzing real information and delivering manageable solutions to you for real energy savings ideas, products, solutions, and innovative concepts.
This site will do its best to connect everyday people with everyday solutions to going GREEN by providing real, economical, ideas that normal everyday people on the street can afford and employ to save energy and money.

It will also provide links to real information, real data, and real ideas and do its best to steer away from politics, emotional ideologies, and hype.

Energy Category (page)
Energy / Fuel Type
 Fossil Fuels
 Fossil Fuels
   Electric Power
   Natural Gas (CNG / LPG)
 Wind / Solar / Nature
 Emerging technologies
   Fuel Cells
 Hydrogen / Nuclear
Hydrogen Power
   Fuel Cells
   Nuclear Power
================================== Bulk wood pellets and wood pellet silos. ================================== Save In 2010 at 125x125 ================================== ==================================
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